
The Watering Can - 7/5/2024

July 4, 2024

Summer's here and the heat has followed. So far, the rains are still around...

The Watering Can - 6/3/2024

June 4, 2024

The warm, wet Spring has continued and the plants are loving it.

City Nature Challenge 2024

June 3, 2024

My third year of the Challenge proved to be my best yet, and another great year for the region

The Watering Can - 4/15/2024

April 15, 2024

Let's see who survived the winter and is giving it a go in 2024

Bittercress and Butterflies

March 18, 2024

iNaturalist - Observing Every Day

January 1, 2024

Growing Wild

December 19, 2023

Golden Moments

December 3, 2023

The Watering Can - 11/27/2023

November 28, 2023

The aftermath of trying to learn how to grow plants during the most extreme drought of my lifetime

iNaturalist - Black Elderberry Phenology

August 6, 2023

Documenting the Budding, Flowering and Fruiting of Black Elderberry in Louisiana

The Watering Can - 8/4/2023

August 4, 2023

When I Was a Baby Buddhist

July 25, 2023

A Sand County Almanac

July 16, 2023

A eulogy for the North American Wilderness

The Watering Can - 7/7/2023

July 7, 2023

Finally putting a bit more in the ground as the yard stabilizes and we get some more rain

The Watering Can - 6/30/2023

June 30, 2023

The Sun, the Solstice, the Shifting Season

The Watering Can - 6/19/2023

June 20, 2023

"And I start to complain that there's no rain..."

The Watering Can - 6/12/2023

June 13, 2023

The rain has dried up a bit, and the dance of keeping many different species happy gets tricky

The Watering Can - 6/6/2023

June 9, 2023

Some new additions, and the early June rains are making my watering job a lot easier

The Watering Can - 5/29/2023

May 30, 2023

The first in a series of weekly updates on the plants I'm caring for in our yard

City Nature Challenge 2023

May 3, 2023

Four days of non-stop naturalist observations; a deepening of appreciation for the life around us

The Pokeberry Patch

March 28, 2023

An accident turns into one of the best spots in the yard

Feeling the Roots

February 26, 2023

Lessons learned from transplanting the lone Sassafras tree in our yard

The Mountain Whereon the Tiger Roams

January 20, 2023

Nature Journal - Landry Property 12/13/2022

December 13, 2022

It's been so gray and damp here recently... and that means more mushrooms